Quick, tell me how many successful entrepreneurs you can name who started their businesses in their fifties or later? Now tell me how many started their business in this millennium? My bet is that most of you are having trouble coming up with one name.
In fact I recently attended a workshop for 50+ aspiring entrepreneurs and the presenter showed multiple examples of over fifty success stories. I am sure that his intent was one of encouragement, the only problem was that none of his examples were alive in this century! Begging the question, can we not find, celebrate and learn from more current examples of success?
I have met so many 50+ people who through no fault of their own find themselves really struggling in their chosen careers. I am sure most have at least contemplated starting their own business. In fact I recently blogged about why there is no better time to contemplate going out on your own. 10 Great Reasons To Become a Boomer Entrepreneur The one missing piece for most is the confidence that they can be successful.
To that end I have decided to create a blog series on those elusive 50+ success stories and their lessons learned along the way. For this to happen I am going to need your help to identify potential candidates. After all what successful entrepreneur doesn’t want there story told and my plan is to post the series on both LinkedIn and Huffington Post.
Please reach out if you or one of your contacts meets the following criteria:
- Started a business after the age of fifty after a corporate career
- The business has met all initial expectations and is a successful, going concern
- Would be prepared to share your story and lessons learned along the way
Obviously the broader the audience I reach with this post the larger the pool I will be able to draw from so it would be very helpful if you would share this blog with your LinkedIn connections.
I am very excited about this project. I think that it will generate terrific content with the ultimate goal of starting to develop a road map for future aspiring boomer entrepreneurs. If interested in connecting please either comment through this blog or send me a message via email.
As President of Your Future Reimagined (YFR) Coaching and Consulting, I help professionals/executives successfully transition to enjoyable and enriching retirements.